
  A Balanced Spiritual Diet Grace and peace! I pray that this message finds you all leaning on the Lord ...
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"A BIBLE THAT'S FALLING APART USUALLY BELONGS TO SOMEONE WHO ISN'T!" I love that quote! Charles Spurgeon is credited with ...
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The Perfect Recipe For A Merry Holiday Season Well, folks, we have been in the midst of a pandemic for ...
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Love Is Hard, but Not Impossible Love. I read something once that said there isn’t a more talked about or ...
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Better Savior, Superior Faith, Supreme Lord: Hebrews 10 The book of Hebrews is a beautiful letter written to Jews who ...
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Are You Fruitful or Just Busy? Would you say that you are a multi-tasker?Would you declare that “There just isn’t ...
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God's Providence: A Place of Rest! At some point in life, most of us will get to a place where ...
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Singleness: Own It! Singleness! Singleness! Singleness! Every unmarried sister is probably a little sick of reading about it and being ...
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New Heart, New Desires, New Life Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation. The old has ...
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Choose Joy In The Difficult Journey As 2016 came to a close, I gathered with a few ladies I disciple ...
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